Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Weaving with K/1 21st Century Aftercare

After being back at work for a full marking period, I felt like I could handle teaching at least one day of aftercare. I love working in the aftercare program because it is gives me the chance to work with small groups of students and do art projects that I can't do with my regular large classes. For the remainder of the year I am teaching the Kindergarten/1st grade group at School #4 once a week. I love doing fibers arts, so I thought that we would do some weaving! We do a weaving project with our third graders during the school year, but I had never done it with students this young. The great thing is with aftercare we can try things out and if they don't work, we can move on to something different. Thankfully, the students love to weave! I was so pleasantly surprised at how good the 1st graders were at weaving! Some students had some struggles at first, but after a few tries everyone got the hang of it. After just 2 weeks of weaving (1 hour class sessions) three students were done! Now they are moving on to some more difficult weaving techniques. I'm so excited to see what they come up with next!

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